Low level thugs that usually travel in packs, traditionally referred to as one's crew that originates by means of the people who live within a city. For example, there are Pierrefonds goons and Pointe-Claire goons. What defines a Pierrefonds goon is a goon who lives in Pierrefonds.

Goons love weed. Not the love you see in movies, man. This shit is deep love, like the love you feel for a child or family.
Goons also experiment exclusively with a variety of other street drugs, such as MDMA, coke & LSD.

Most goons have cars and when they assemble as a crew, they all drive their own cars. We're talking like, 4 cars for one crew.

A last thing to know about goons is that they all listen to the same music, usually rap.
That guy is a goon. No other word for it.
by natloveslamp1 March 2, 2013
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1)Someone who has to be better than everyone else; usually in games, video games.
2) Has no idea of what they are doing and are acting slightly retarded. (Also annoying)
(1) Tom: Hey guys!
Sup tom!
Tom: Guys I just totally got my teir seven! Hahaha! Im so pwning you noobs!
Rob: You're such a goon. . .
(2) Tom: Uh guys I dont know how to do this....Help?
Tom: Help!! HELPPPPPPPPPP guysssssssss help meeeeeeeee

by worldofwarcraftpwnsyouall December 3, 2008
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a super awkward person that fuckin stupid and super weird without realizing it
that girl is such a goon, she just queefs all the time and acts casual
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"Don't stop da car, da goons are behind us!!! FLOOR IT!!!"
by BIG AL/HABIT November 4, 2005
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A tough guy who is a beast and can run really fast and win races
by kt08 July 21, 2010
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part of a group of people who just like having fun and getting fucked up, everyday has a new adventure for a goon. part of a crew thats down till thier death day
me and my goonz got 30 ez's last night and rolled face.
by cheff519 September 1, 2009
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A person without any athletic skill or coordination whatsoever. Who is way bigger than you and uses this advantage to beat you in sports/life anyway.
Alex: Ryan is such a goon.
Grason: Yeah, he has no skill but his massive size makes him own us in every game.
Alex: Yeah, let's go remind he that he is a goon.
by Grason B. February 20, 2006
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