She is the cutest girl who loves her family very much studies well and look gorgeous then every one . a little princess
by November 24, 2021
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She is the cutest girl who loves her family very much studies well and look gorgeous then every one . a little princess
by November 24, 2021
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She is the cutest girl who loves her family very much studies well and look gorgeous then every one . a little princess
by November 24, 2021
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She is the cutest girl who loves her family very much studies well and look gorgeous then every one . a little princess
by November 24, 2021
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A person who will always ge to the point and hates too many details. Will listen to your bitching late night. Acts like your mother when you're sad. Yes a bitch. But stays with you until you make her happy.

Callls you names but with a sense of vulnerability. Has manynnyy random inside jokes. Leads you onn. Like literally. You will have to love her.

No bestie vibes,only tribe.

Is almost deaf.

Is very ambitious about experiences.ahh
Basically a cockroach with traumatic energy.

Fuck gone. Bye bye.
Srilakshmi is out of your league if u fail to make her laugh like a dinosaur.
by Srilakshmib November 22, 2021
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A person who will always ge to the point and hates too many details. Will listen to your bitching late night. Acts like your mother when you're sad. Yes a bitch. But stays with you until you make her happy.

Callls you names but with a sense of vulnerability. Has manynnyy random inside jokes. Leads you onn. Like literally. You will have to love her.

No bestie vibes,only tribe.

Is almost deaf.

Is very ambitious about experiences.ahh
Loves going to random librararies with her loves. Thinks about doggies every single day. Sed.

Basically a cockroach with traumatic energy.

Fuck gone. Bye bye.
Srilakshmi is out of your league if u fail to make her laugh like a dinosaur.
by Srilakshmib November 22, 2021
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The result of splicing Mexican DNA with Sri Lankan DNA. Can be used as an improper noun, verb or adjective.
Noun: My butt tickles...I must be passing another Sri Bean. I'll name her Di-Lo.

Verb: I'm going to get my Sri Lankan girlfriend drunk tonight and we're going to be Sri Beaning so loud, the neighbors will want to put their house up for sale the next morning.

Adjective: He's such a Sri Beaner, he can give me triple-bypass heart surgery and clean my pool at the same time.
by Pooka1234 December 2, 2009
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