A tweeker with a backpack and a mountain bike while high on meth.
Todd was the biggest jibber I've ever met. He always has his bike torn apart in the bathroom.
by Dblaze1978 May 23, 2017
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To drink your pint (alcoholic drink) too slowly, compared to the people you’re with. To be named a jibber or ‘jibbing’ for drinking too slowly within your group.
Cara, everyone else has finished , don’t be double parked, you’re being a ‘Jibber’
by Oliverhilton September 3, 2023
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someone who is addicted to jib (meth)
That jibber over there tried to sell me a crowbar for jib
by TSKCommentaries April 7, 2019
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"Hey, do you have any weed?"
"Yea man, I have this jibber that I rolled earlier. It's not much, but should be enough for 2!"
by Farmy129 August 19, 2022
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I am going to roll a jibber and smoke it by myself.
by Farmy129 August 18, 2022
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A person that is a frequent user of crack/cocaine also known as jib.
Yo did u see that fuckin jibber begging for change?
by Norman Winchester September 30, 2018
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Origin of this word is dirived from the phrase 'jailbait.'
Jailbait became JB, which later became became 'jib' or 'jibber.' It is used to discribe an person that is under the age of 18.
The best part of my day is getting a rager from staring at all those jibbers :D
by stagitory_rap_is_not_rap August 12, 2009
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