Someone so weak minded, they use false media reporting to help them decide how they feel about anything instead of actually just looking at what is happening.
Even though the country was in great shape, Seth voted for Biden because he was a media influenced idiot and bought all the fake reports. Now the country is doomed and Seth realizes he was indeed a media influenced idiot.
by Use your own head May 12, 2021
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A deeply jealous person who harbours deep seated resentment or suspicion towards those on the other side of the grass.

An unvaccinated person whose entire platform is tribal, ethnic & gender division... Geez no wonder they think men & women are 2 different species.
Putin-influencer Jenn: "all men are dogs", "we're into bad boys".
by Andres Ruiz1 March 31, 2022
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When the defining factor in an individual's social status is the leverage that he/she holds in high-profile connections, the quality of his/her personal brand, and the degree to which he/she adheres to social norms.
Due to the prevalence of social media and the minimal value that physical proximity now plays in fostering and maintaining relationships, it is clear that the 21st century is deep into the Age of Influence.
by livejoyful August 3, 2018
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To influence with intent vs. being another content creator just making their coin. No judgment with that but are you ACTUALLY influencing when all you do is push products on people and not give back to the community that helps you get your coin?
My favorite blogger not only recommends her skincare products but actually influences by supporting non-profits and discussing topics like systemic racism.

Are you actually Influencing if all you do is post photos but ignore the state of the world?

No shade, but can influencers actually influence and do something other than post pretty photos of their coffee?
by Castles January 19, 2021
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A person who influences the opinion and buying behavior within a small group up to around 100 people.
I'm looking for a new laptop. Do you know what I should keep in mind?
You should ask Carol, they are the nano influencer among my friends for these kinds of topics.
by JadeJane March 29, 2023
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After being caught beating off, and you are being helped, stop paying attention and begin to record a podcast on how to overcome loosing instagram followers.
My wife got home early, and I became a Multitasking Influencer, if you know what I mean.
by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022
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