Mr. Hollywood and dad is in the rock n roll hall of fame. The best body boarder on the east coast. Best dishwasher on the east coast. Fly's to China occasionally on business. Works full time at the Drifters Reef. Built the drifters reef, pop's diner, the lazy pirate, and multiple other structures on the great Carolina Beach.
by beer pong champ 304 October 27, 2011
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Gibbe is a fantastic footballplayer

and he likes big boobs. He was the first to eat pancakes in the world.
by Bebbe December 11, 2016
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A person with bare ear wax and smells like shit. They never wash and they are always in the same clothes whenever you see them.
" smells disgusting around here. There must be a Reece Gibbs around"
by Bayliissexy December 11, 2016
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The worst person to ever exist. Also known as Ass, Asshole, Shithead, and Bastard.
I fucking hate Mr. Gibbs he is the worst.
by lasalsavalentina November 19, 2018
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Thomas is a dude in the corps and he is also a very dumb pledge and outside of being a pledge and being a dude in the corps Thomas does not do too much. He struggles with time management and constantly is trying to be in 45 different places at one time when in reality he sucks at making all 45 commitments that he previously made. He is also quite incompetent at laying down pipe.
Man that dude is such a Thomas Gibbs!
by ashhhturd October 27, 2020
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Jorgia Gibbes is the perfect definition of the ultimate chick round. she has the best qualities for a friend and is funny. She can keep a conversation going and she is amazing. So attractive too
hey dude i met the hectic chick, her name was jorgia gibbes!
by chicken boy12345678 April 29, 2012
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