A type of video game speed run, in witch the player gets the lowest score possible and kills no enemies.

The term was invented by Twitch.tv user "slacker_26" during a Super Mario Bros. Speed Run by "andrewg1990".
"The fastest time for a Gandhi Run on Super Mario Bros. is 7:00"
by Walter Is White November 11, 2013
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When you are silent on any social media/gaming platform due to a communicational ban or personal choice.
"Hey, want to talk over Xbox?"

"Nah, I'm going Gandhi for now."
by TheOmega8000 May 16, 2019
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Refuse to eat for a long period of time for fun.
Johnny likes to play Gandhi to impress his friends.
by PantherG January 22, 2023
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A person who steps in between two feuding people for the sole reason of making themselves look like a peacemaker and receiving kudos for their self-righteous effort. By relativizing the claims of each person in the dispute, and standing open armed with a pseudo-serene expression on their face, they naff off everyone in the room, but still think they are the second coming of Gandhi.
It was all sorting itself out until Steve started pulling a Gandhi, and then all hell broke loose.
by IAIN_D October 15, 2020
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one who gets fooled or harmed by their own people (or the people they belive are supporters of them). Background: Indira Gandhi was an Indian politican who was assassinated by her own bodyguards during her rule as prime minister.
He thinks all his friends are real. His friends are not real, they may harm him. He is such an Indira Gandhi
by he.mi.sh October 17, 2022
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If you're idolized enough, people will ignore all the horrible things you've done in your life. Being deceased is optional, although it has been proven to make the effect more...effective.
The Gandhi Effect is named for Mahatma Gandhi, who is often worshipped as a hero around the world, despite the fact that he was a serial rapist.
by Someone who kinda exists July 28, 2021
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Burnt to an absolute crisp similar to Anakin in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
"Overcooked on the bottom, Crispy as fuck and it looks like Gandhi's Flip Flop, What a shame" - Gordon Ramsay on Hell's Kitchen
by chasebos July 8, 2022
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