something that is really good, usually pertaining to food.
Bro, that steak was fire, it tasted like heaven in my mouth
by hfhsjsjw March 6, 2016
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When you are really fucking tired but shorten it to one word combined from both
Mate1: Dude I'm so fired today
Mate2: At least your not fungry like me
by James Stinkwell May 14, 2008
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sooooooooooo cool awesome good.
this shirt from rue 21 is fire!!!!
by boomsheka2 April 21, 2009
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A term commonly used (especially around Hillsboro, Missouri) to describe one's excitement about a certain event, object, or situation. Similar to the phrase, "that's hot." The meanings are similar.
Corey: What up pimpin?
Trevor: Nothin big worm, just snatched up some BL for a lil pong action tonight.
Corey: Aw yea, that's my boy. I twisted up some phillies too.
Trevor: Fuck yeah, "that's fire" bra!
by Vondy5586 October 19, 2008
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exeptionally great,or wonderful
these chips taste fire
by honei November 27, 2006
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The condition of a bar which is conducive to acquiring a proper blackout through ripping numerous shots of cheap alcohol.
Dude 1: Hey man let's go to O'hara's and get fucking blacked out. I heard it's on fire.
Dude 2: I'm down, O'hara's is always on fire.
Dude 1: On fire.
by uchibroto December 24, 2012
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