A generate adversarial network.
James: Bro, that guy we went to dinner with was such a GAN!

Chuck: I know broooo
by chuckEdwardcheese August 9, 2021
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You see the moves that guy pulled off? He is one Gangsta A** Ninja.
by Shotgun Sensei May 22, 2022
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Cally Gan is as cute as a pixie
by CarrotGUy November 23, 2021
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What the CCP used to force feed John Cena while recording in a concentration camp.
John Cena:" I already sang the fuckin national anthem now what u want"
Soldier:" Now u take this rat poison and tell the world how good it is"
John Cena:" wtf is lou gan ma?"
Soldier:" it is a mix of rat piss, fired horse cock and your family"
John Cena:"Like shit im eatin this"
Soldier:"Just record u eatin and u get the 20k is ez, chau ni ma"
by Jow Bidan May 4, 2021
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