Breaking news fortnite addiction is a problem in 2018
Breaking news Another school shooting this year
by Lorsh Zontek March 1, 2019
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A year unlike the past 3 where 6 yr olds look 16 and 13 yr olds look 25 in this year virginity no longer exists in other words VIRGINS ARE EXTINCT

Her:Did you see Hannah how is it that shes still in first grade?! And shes 25

Him: thats bc she is 6..

E: r you still a virgin cuz i am...
J: wtf no i lost my virginity when i was 8 to my boyfriend where r you from the stone age or something god virgins went EXTINCT 1million years ago lmaoo
1.)Yep 2018...
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The worst year in the 21st century. Here are some examples: fortnite, Xxxtentacion died, a lot of celebs died, my dog died and I lost my faith in humanity.
Person 1: 2018 was the year that everything fell apart
Person 2: Stop being such a tumblr depressed emo girl
Person 1: Hey, stop being so judgemental, depression is a real thing!

Person 2: *is already listening to Lil Peep while balling their eyes out*
by petramoonlightx March 29, 2019
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The year no one wanted but everyone got.
2018: Sorta like the ugly Christmas sweaters you get every year even though you never ask for em...
by WhErEaMi??? January 9, 2019
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En restebuss bestående av folk som ikke kjenner hverandre. Medlemmene kommer fra rundt om i hele Romerike og hadde ingen kjennskap til hverandre, men fant hverandre, siden ingen andre ville ha dem.
Nasjonen 2018 er tidenes restebuss as
by RazziaFan#1 March 19, 2018
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An offensive term that dercribes the moment when someone assaults/beats/otherwise harms a minority.
Zaoist: “You’be gotta /2018/ those minorities.”
by LigmaSawconNigga September 22, 2018
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