The 1:1 relationship between the complex numbers wave-function collapses in the triene-function and the internal corners of the hypermodular Fauvic point.

The fear a woman had that her son will become a property owner.

The lines running between the wave-function collapses and the Fauvic corners are black.
Female anxiety is a mother's sexual fear about son.

The son will experience this anxiety as scarcity-in-a-supply-chain rather than competition in the mode-of-patriarchy.
by flightfacilities May 13, 2022
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The Name “Female Goat” was created by Zyterria or “Zyzy” witch is when a woman or girl is the best or “G.O.A.T” ( greatest of all times) at something
Zyterria won all her dance battles she is the Female Goat.
by Zyzy 🥰 December 21, 2019
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A scale on which a female's attractiveness is rated. 1 being the worst, 10 being the best.
"Hey did you see the new girl? She's hot!!!"
"Yeah, on the female 1-10 scale I'd give her an 8/10"
by no_one_of_consequence September 13, 2016
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Though religion is bullshit, people have heard about a black Jesus or black apostles, but not about female apostles. You also don't hear about Joan of Arc having any apostles.
None of the apostles were female apostles. You would think there would be at leaat one secret one somewhere.
by The Original Agahnim December 30, 2022
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Shaedon is the type of girl that enjoys the indoors, but hates when she's outside. She has a few friends, and is either the crazy friend or the mom friend. Either way, she loves everyone unless you mess with her. She also holds many grudges, so I recommend not to talk bad about her or seriously mess with her.
"Her? Oh, that's the a FEMALE Shaedon! I really don't recommend you to mess with her."
by Shae! :) February 14, 2022
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The female Marty is not like your well known male Marty, but more of a clearance rack at goodwill that pretends it's designer made. The female Marty usually dwells in her bedroom surrounded by half drank energy drinks and cigarette butts. Born and raised in or around a trailer park. Cleaning, cooking and acting/speaking beyond a 3rd grade education level is only possible when coerced by fast-food or money.
Check out that female Marty, is that a mayo stain on her shirt or wait....probably just a cum stain.
by Taco bell Rave slut January 15, 2021
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