When someone makes a layup on you in a basketball game
Kooks lays Jaquan

Justin: “lay me
by Justoooo August 17, 2019
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When someone piques your interest in a sexual and inspirational way.
Honey, you ensizzle me baby. Arghhh Argggh, go on and git it.
by Punan_From_Hunan December 12, 2017
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Describes the action of making very quick work of something, most notably, food.
Kevin: Man, this game is going to be off the hook tonight!

Cam: Hell yeahz! But hold up brah. Pull into this Mickey Ds over here right quick. I gotz to rush me a Happy Meal!
by drkato September 4, 2009
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nunc dormisti in me veteri novo me submittere
nunc dormisti in me veteri novo me submittere
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If everyone becomes distant, maybe it is you not them
Why is everyone leaving me all the time? Everyone is distancing themselves from me

You treat people poorly, maybe you are the cause
by eSoap June 3, 2022
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