Joey is basically perfect in every way. She’s stunning which isn’t fair. She’s always happy. She loves with everything. She’s never ever boring. Sometimes shy. A very loyal person. And very straightfoward (in a good way) very blunt. Sometimes it gets her in trouble. But most people love her for it. She’s gonna grow up to be an amazing wife and mom. She’s a huge girly girl but likes some sports. She’s a kick ass soccer player (she payed me to say that) she’s a incredible family member and friend. Everyone loves joey.

Can’t reallt believe I was that nice.
Joey Rae is A loveable person
by Riley1999 September 26, 2018
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Not strangers, good friends, have a past together, they had good sex ,(when they were both into it) . Joey really likes her alot an would always want her around an would give her her space an trust her, an not fight with her over stupid things. I'll be here when she is ready to have me even if it is just to satisfy her own sexual needs,( fingers crossed) . Or even just to listen to her vent an talk my ear off. But no matter what I'll always be her friend.
Joey an Cindy ;
soul mates. This is how I would use both names in a sentence: Joey wants to fuck the shit out of Cindy an hold her right after.
by DonkeyPunch69696969 July 3, 2022
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“Bruh Joey Mount just sold me a Chicago Bulls snapback for $30 today is LIT”
by bruhyalleverkissedyourself January 4, 2018
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An absolute ugly pig and in 2021 was announced as the worst dishwasher of Syracuse East.
by Creamy Nicky November 23, 2021
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some country out there says this i bet
probably means sex
Person 1: Looks like they did some hooby jooby jobby jabby jibby joey joo in the back room.

Person 2: wtf did you just say was that supposed to mean sex or a ritual sacrifice
by Mario51309 April 5, 2022
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The baddest motherfucker to ever live. Awesome beard and HUGE balls.
You're cool but you're no Joey Blaze
by Joey Blaze November 26, 2021
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