The idea that church only happens in a building.
Just because you stand in a garage doesn’t make you a car like going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. People act like God ain’t outside the church building. They have that brick and mortar church mentality.
by Malika Davis August 24, 2023
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A kind mentality that monolingual English speaker has when learning a new language.
For example:
mispronouncing the vowels.
apply the nonsensical spell of English to a language with logical spelling and trying to read it.

never prounce the R in other language properly.
thinking that all the people in the world know English so learn the minimum of the set language.
I can't belive he just pronounce "karaoke" like "keriyoki", I bet he have an English Speaker Mentality.
by FAI1025 May 13, 2023
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mentally stupid, foolish, and especially dumb, in the head
This teacher is so mentally inept, how is he still here?
by Progomotion December 30, 2022
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when you are in a group chat and they wont stop talking about stupid shit
by WadedaGreat March 27, 2021
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used to describe when you're having a complete mental destruction.
I'm very mental healthy right now
by Uhfhhtd July 20, 2023
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on fortnite there are “bots” so they have a higher thought process because they know what’s up. if you know what’s up or ready for anything, you have “bot mentality”
“wow shakira was ready for that hit

“yeah she got bot mentality”
by jrandolph14 September 21, 2018
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