A relationship that is only during a month or so
girl 1: me and my seasonal relationship are getting together again
by Mrs.frizzle May 11, 2021
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When two people have a warm-hearted relationship to others, they have a very friendly, or sociable relationship to other; sociability
by Johnnymyman96 January 1, 2022
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so you want to say that someone dated, but you want to say it in style...

'relationshipped' is the new word for this.
Henry and Lydia relationshipped for a long time
by louisrobinson4 October 14, 2022
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Doing the actions and compromises required to make a relationship work.
Matt and Sarah certainly are relationshipping well.
by SarahBella716 February 16, 2019
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When your relationship so strong, they both like "I'll never let go"
Dude: Bro, you and your girl have a crazy strong relationship
Bro: Yeah man, in loving this titanic relationship
by Robertiv2000 August 30, 2015
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Non-relationship (noun) - a special bond between two individuals in the 21st century, based on friendship and characterized by the absence of defined or traditional relational structures, while allowing the freedom to explore emotional and physical connections in an open and unconstrained manner.

In this non-relationship, there is a strong bond between individuals, which may include a possible romantic or sexual connection, but is always open and flexible. Although there is no defined relationship structure, individuals rely on trust, mutual respect, and sincere communication to maintain their special bond.

People who engage in a non-relationship are usually able to manage their emotions and communicate openly and honestly with each other, and this relationship requires a high level of emotional maturity and effective communication to be successfully maintained.
Although they were very close, they both agreed that they didn't want to define their connection as a traditional romantic relationship, but rather as a non-relationship based on friendship and mutual respect."

"Their non-relationship allowed them to explore their feelings for each other without the pressure of labels or societal expectations."

"Many people are now opting for non-relationships as a way to experience emotional and physical intimacy without the constraints of a traditional relationship."

"It takes a lot of trust and communication to maintain a successful non-relationship, as there are no clear rules or expectations to guide the individuals involved."

"Their non-relationship was unique in that it allowed them to pursue other romantic interests while still maintaining a deep emotional connection with each other."
by Non-relationship February 25, 2023
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The long pauses that occur between replies when texting or chatting with a friend on Facebook. This delay can be explained, after investigation, by their preoccupation with talking to their boyfriend/girlfriend, who is also online.
Friend One: Hey! How are you
8 minutes later.
Friend Two: Oh, hi. Sorry, distracted. I was talking to this boy.
Friend One: Relationship delay..
12 minutes later.
Friend Two: What?
by VioletPretzels March 13, 2012
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