The government doesn't NEED to watch you. So long as you accept the propositions of the Universal Submission Ethic I know EXACTLY where you are. I know where you are on Sunday. I know you need to work hard and be friendly so I know where you are going to be Monday through Friday.
Conspiracy theorist "ThE gOvErNmEnT iS wAtChInG yUo!"

Hym "I don't even need to watch you to know where most of you are and I'M actually being watched so I don't really see how my thing isn't worse than your fucking DATA."
by Hym Iam August 2, 2023
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A slang for requesting a gay orgy in the middle of the street, commonly used by fatherless discord users.
Person 1- Did you watch Attack On Titans?
Person 2- Sure man, let me get the boys.
by rick astley is hoyt August 13, 2022
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this means that hannah has to watch rick and morty so she can watch it with her boyfriend.
“i just heard that hannah has no shows to watch…”
“She probably is going to watch Rick and Morty so she can watch it with her boyfriend.”
by bigcatman February 5, 2022
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this means that hannah has to watch rick and morty so she can watch it with her boyfriend.
“i just heard that hannah has no shows to watch…”
“She probably is going to watch Rick and Morty so she can watch it with her boyfriend.”
by bigcatman February 5, 2022
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Inserting your penis into your anus.
That dude just gave himself a pocket watch! He stuffed his penis all the way inside his anus!
by Billlee February 25, 2022
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Forcing oneself to watch only one episode of a Netflix series per week, as if it were on normal-ass tv. The opposite of binge-watching.
"What did you think of the new season of Stranger Things?"
"I'm only on episode two, so don't spoil it. I'm restraint-watching that shit."
by Peter Auteur December 8, 2018
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Owl” symbolizes “hooters” aka “boobs” “Owl Watching” means staring at some chicks knockers.
Ricky: dude did you see that tits on that chick?
Jayme: yeah they had me owl watching for days.
by johnny_jizzle January 20, 2018
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