When two sets of couples (or more) have sex in the same room at the same time without direct involvement with each other's experience.
Tonight, my boyfriend and I are having a bunny watch with Kim and Kanye.
by bUnnYwaTch March 9, 2016
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Verb: Staring at someone or something intently or obsessively; watching them/it like a hawk
“You gotta quit hawk-watching me to make sure I’m not sleeping.”
by ScibenX March 5, 2022
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Verb/Action Word

1.To shake ones wrist in a twisting and up and down motion in order to shake and move the watch on said persons wrist in order to create a pleasing sensation to remind the wearer that they have a nice watch and to show it off.

2.To give a massage with ones watch.

3.To maneuver a watch up and down a persons wrist area in order to scratch an itch or unpleasant feeling away.
A: "Look at that guy giving himself a watch massage like he owns the place."

B: "I don't have tourettes i was giving myself a watch massage dummy."

C: "Mike just got that new 51-30 and he has been getting gnarly watch massages every hour on the hour bro, I'm jealous."
by ZCREWMMBOOIII July 17, 2012
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