The leg muscles - more specifically the quads. Only used when the legs are large/strong enough to merit their own mention. Hiking up one's pants or unisuit is another way of displaying ones ponies - this is referred to as a "pony show."
Used mainly by Long Island rowers or anyone similarly severely disattached from reality.
"Yo my ponies are yuge."

"We got an audience today, time to give em the pony show."
by The Horror, the horror October 17, 2007
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P.O.N.Y. P-regressives Offended (for) No (reason) (in a) Yamulka
- social justice warrior, regressive

much like the RINO Republican In Name Only, The rino tries to appear like the parties mascot, the elephant. but is not... an elephant. the pony does the same and tries to appear as the noble donkey, but is really just 'my little participation trophy pony'. Wearing a Yamulka to hide their anti semitism.
Hillary Clinton doesn't represent true liberal values, such a pony.
by asapatheist March 20, 2017
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“I feel like krump pony tonight

Alright boys, let’s go find some krump pony”
by Krump pony May 9, 2019
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Is a high maintenance female, that needs to be waited on hand and foot. Basically a spoiled brat.
Look at Dawn over there getting her nails done for the 5th time this week. She’s such a pampered pony.
by MormonMafia88 May 25, 2022
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Being pegged by your wife with a dildo made from a mold of your own penis. The twist being that the dildo is increased in size by 33% in all dimensions.
"Cheryl wants to spice things up and bring a new man into the bedroom. I've been warming up with the upside down pony pole for a few weeks, so I'll be ready for that big ole bull!"
by Glazedroofhomie December 18, 2022
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He was not amused to see that her wonderpocket had given him a smelly wet pony.
by catalys July 25, 2018
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An imagined blue sphere of unspoken truths from the previous evening's escapades.
Person 1: How was your date last night?
Person 2: Lets just say, after we went back to my house, I had to get out the road pony.
by Capitalsallaround May 20, 2017
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