When you are having sex with a girl doggy style, spit on her back, then when she turns around you blow your load in one eye, and kick her in the shin and let her hop around on one leg, holding her eye.
Person 1-"Oh man Sarah's angry at me."
Person 2-"Why's that?"
Person 1-"Ah i did a one eyed, one legged pirate to her, it was funny though, watching her hop around like that!"
by JewSlap March 7, 2016
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a sexual position only done by professionals where as the girl back bends onto the while the boy is sitting, and thrusting inside of her. a very complex position.
Guy 1: hey do you know kim? she gave me a green-eyed-bull
Guy 2: what really? your kidding.
by AnassaLovesYou March 29, 2015
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The feeling a mother gets when she is so proud of her children for doing some activity yet at the same time feels so jealous that she cannot do that same activity as well as her kids.
I can't believe I turned into a Green Eyed Mama while I ran with my daughter.

One minute I was so proud of her for running so quickly and far and the next I felt like the Green-Eyed Monster from Berenstain Bears.
by tipsfromthechicks March 28, 2020
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As a verb, the act of requesting or especially performing a sexual act on a partner so spectacularly, that the receiver experiences or shall experience crossed, awkward, and/or bulging eyes.

As an adjective, the description of a person’s eyes following their receipt of legendary sexual act(s) and the associated extraordinary orgasm. See also: ahegao.
“It’s been awhile since I was googly-eyed by a man who cared enough about my pleasure.”

“Tonight, I want to be googly-eyed by you.”

“It was probably the best blowjob I’ve ever had—left me googly-eyed.”

“She googly-eyed me anytime she went down on me. No man has ever done that for me.”
by Susan_Storm1 October 29, 2022
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A term used by 17th century Welsh nobility to humiliate obese English men in front of their wives. Wobbly eyes was in reference to the English lack of control of their eyeballs due to low brain function.

On occasion, Welshmen would wobble their eyes about to trick English women into sleeping with them, much like spiders wiggle their front legs at large predators to fool them into giving the spider their candy.
Get that wobbly eyed idiot of an Englishman out of my pub and back into Satan's scrotum where he belongs!
by Wobblyeyedenglishmen July 28, 2023
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The laziest way of defining a creature or human with two different colored eyes which is more commonly known as “ heterochromia”.

The way Elliott hunt would say it Kus she didn’t know what the real word was.
That cat has two different colored eyes so it’s bi-eyed.
by Sissrs July 29, 2023
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