A twit is a woman or girl who sits in the bath tub and farts calling it a bubble bath.
The girl is a twit twit, she proudly announced she just took a bubble bath but there is no bubble bath in the house.
by Angelo Mysterioso April 30, 2010
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"Did you see that twit?" As a man walks along a city sidewalk, he stops at every single bicycle chained along his way and slowly bends down and sniffs the seat of each one.
by Linda69 September 22, 2005
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Internet Troll - someone who would visit groups on social networks that he doesn't like just to leave nasty comments and feed off anger in replies.
Twit: I hate americans!

R1: So why do you visit the group "I love America"

R2: You know that to leave the comment on this forum, you have to click "LIKE" and join the group?

Twit: americans are morons and they eat shit!!!!!

R1: have some respect! Americans with an A.

R2: Learn English before you write something here!

Twit: I hate english as well you a55holes !

etc. etc. and it can go on forever, as long as you feed him.
by xesex September 8, 2010
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A she male... Who is a male gigilo. That has a shit ton of STDs and is super fucking bitchy about it.... And are usually really retarded
Cindy shit her self at the dinner today. Then proceeded to strip and everybody out she was a twit...
by Shankahoe May 4, 2015
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an acronym, standing for Trophy Wives In Training and referring to rich, snobby young girls with absolutely no substance whose only goal in life is to become a celebrated wife to a rich man.
I love going to professional tennis tournaments, but I hate all the young twits running around.
by Buckunteer February 11, 2010
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hoity toity word ; a way of trying to belittle one
"by george , the little twit is at it again ! "
by Anonymous December 5, 2002
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