To take a shit in ones hand, and proceed to stick just the head of the shit inside ones partner, then take the unprotruded end of the shit in both hands and proceed to roll it like Martha Stewart would roll dough.
Lee - "Dang Mark, I heard you gave her a Toledo Tootsie Roll."
Mark - " yeah I know man it was awesome but now my hands are covered in shit so I just wiped it on her."
Lee - "that sounds awesome I would have definitely rubbed it all over."
by Steve scuba September 19, 2017
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When one takes their anus flaps and rolls them up. Then covers the roll in a mixture of shit,cum,and horse intestines,then proceeds to slap their grandmother with it.
My grandpa tootsie rolled my grandmother last night and i filmed the whole thing
by InvertedThroatFuck February 28, 2019
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A pair of edible panties with a human shit inside.
Sarah took off her edible panties prematurely because she accidentally made me a, “Tootsie Roll”.
by St@rdu$t January 25, 2021
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A sexual act, in which a man of standard height or stature, grabs a hold of a midget, or vertically challenged female, and holds her upside down. He may bear hug her lower body, or use both hands to hold her by the ankles if he has the hand strength to do so. But while she is being held upside down, she is performing oral sex on him, and simultaneously he is licking and sucking on all ten of her toes. This must continue until the man ejaculates into the dwarf's mouth
Little Gina from the strip club, she's asleep in the other room right now, she blacked out while I creamsicle tootsie rolled her... I had to finish bro, her toes tasted like pig asshole
by Kramardi September 16, 2022
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