never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down never gonna turn you down never gonna say goodbye
ur welcome for rick rolling u now rick roll me
by ttvTMHPcannonDG is my fortnite February 15, 2021
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Weaving elements of Rick Astley's debut single, "Never Gonna Give You Up" into normal everyday conversations or interactions.
Since the first concoction of a nexus of computational processing power in the late 1950's, NEVER has the practicallity of networks been brought into question due to the advancements of onGOING assembleges excogitating advantageous intimations for the ever changing cycle of headway TO the modern day network. Providing valuable resources to organizations, innumerable technicians GIVE their time to creating and perfecting a cornucopia of networks.

-Subtle Rick-Roll genius on college essay
by m477yb0y December 26, 2011
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the best record company ever invented, main rappers are devin "raw dog randy" macdougall and dan "flocka" todd
dude i heard rick roll records just signed eth hicks
by chipstanford December 1, 2011
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An suicidal attempt to rick roll someone knowing you will rick roll yourself
William attempted a suicide rick roll on Liam with discord screenshare
by getrickrolledlol November 8, 2020
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It is a common term used in some Midwestern cities for when someone new to drinking alcohol embarrasses themself in some form or another.

Wow, I cannot believe he bit the lime before taking the tequila shot. He so got Rick Rolled.
by JonnyFanny August 13, 2007
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In which you get baited into watching Rick Astley in 2017
JakeMan I just got rick rolled in 2017”
by wowshaka September 24, 2017
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on Jan 12 everyone will have to rickroll each other .
got a problem cry about it. its Rick roll day
by maxcowboy January 13, 2022
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