One of the many roots of all evil. (Others include mathematics, rap 'artists' and Mr Tobin) Basically popularity is a black hole which most retarded sheep-type-people WANT to be sucked into.
Popularity is for populars. They're so darn stupid.
by brittandherllama January 9, 2006
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Popular used to be term to describe someone's social statues. Now, it is a noun. If you have a large group of friends, you are a popular. The populars run the school.
Hey, look! It is a group of populars!
Johnny is a popular. He has many friends.
by Yaya12 July 15, 2014
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A state of mind. Many people say they are "popular" or use a label because they have no self-confidence in thereself.
Girl: OMG!!!11shift+1!! You must so be jealous of me because I am so much more popular than you!111

Everyone else: Get a life you little fruitloop.
by Millions August 27, 2005
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A social disease in which a blind group of voids who believe that if you have a lot of backstabbing "friends", wearing the "hottest" clothes, listening to shitty music, and following what your friends do is popular.
Preppy: OMG everybody loves me, I'm so populllaarrrr

Individual: Fuck you, popularity craving void.
by I-Hate-You-Preps March 6, 2010
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When you have a crush on someone popular that you know you don't have a chance with but you like them anyways.
Ugh, I love them but they're popular. I think I have popularitis.
by MaLadBrogan May 25, 2016
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it is a social disease
i dont care what they tell u man


by rachel cich October 2, 2005
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Something somebody made up tons of years ago. Something that's just there to make other people feel less important, beautiful, and more nerdy and dorkish than the so called, "popular people." A word that makes everybody else sad except for the ones that are actual popular.
You're such a nerd! No wonder my popularity is higher than yours!
by The Best Asian February 3, 2005
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