An asian who go full on out hardcore with an asian style. The girls have different shades of different colours in their dead, layered, straight and thin hair. Getting clothing from Supre and thinking they are a mix between "swag" and "indie". The boys have a mullet with around 3 different colours, wearing mostly G-Star and Henleys. Both of them have a high majority of crooked teeth, resulting in covering their mouth when they laugh. They go beyond corny especially when in relationships.
"Oh god, did you see that asian who asked his gf to the formal by paper and roses"

"Yes I did, and what was she wearing?"

"Defs supre, I can't even identify that style, obviously they both have a case of Pathetic Asian Syndrome"
by lozdog101 March 26, 2012
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A phrase used by most people to describe someone who just sucks at being a psycho... in other words some one who makes a lame attempt at being crazy...
"Andi, thats just such a psycho pathetic attempt"
by az242526 April 16, 2010
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Kids and adolescents, that think they're cool, because they use slangs and smoke weed. Mostly age 13-16.
A: You saw Jerry last night smoking indica?
B: Yes, what a pathetic, fucking idiot. A fucker thinking he's cool.
by _mk_ps_ October 16, 2017
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To those who thought there couldn't be worse than that couple slobbering noisily all over each other centimetres from your own face at rush hour on the tube (Public Displays of Affection) - think again.

There's always Pathetic Displays of Affection. These usually occur when one or both parties is irretrievably inebriated. Sometimes followed by convenient memory loss the morning after the night before and/or heavy regret and shame felt by one or both parties.

Almost without fail intoxication-related, Pathetic Displays of Affection can be physical or virtual - in which case, thanks to the miracle of modern technology, they can take the various but inevitably excruciating forms of drunken dialling, texting or even, more permanently so, emailing and instant messaging.
Pedro, spare us all the PDA (Pathetic Displays of Affection) and the ensuing wingeing phone call to me about how mortified you are. There is no world in which it's a good idea to tell this Madeleine girl you just met at the bar that you want to marry her and impregnate her shortly afterwards. Even if she IS a hot blonde blue-eyed Swede.
by princessetamtam April 29, 2009
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Far, far worse than a regular milksop; the pathetic cringing little milksop is not only an unmanly man, he may also be a whining little faggot, a crying sore loser, a truly pussywhipped man, a wholly dickwhipped woman, or other assorted wastoid.
Jake is such a pathetic cringing little milksop it ain't even funny -- the little bitch whines about anything and everything. He is truly an oxygen thief.
by Telephony December 15, 2011
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"Pathetic excuse for a human being" is used to describe someone who is so pathetic at what he does and what he believes in that he have no redeeming qualities, he is considered completely useless, he always complains about everything and never do anything to fix it, he feeds off attention and rage & complains when he doesn't get any, all he does is annoy and hurt the people around him, his ideas and morality are so pathetic so wrong so ridiculous that no one cares to listen, some people will even argue that he is not worth keeping alive but he is usually so pathetic that he is not even worth killing.
guy #1: have you seen this girl kim kardashian she is so famous but i don't know why, she can't sing she can't act she can't dance all she dose is take selfies and complain what hell man.

guy #2: yeah i know she is a pathetic excuse for a human being
by one way road February 19, 2016
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morpheus from neil gaiman's The Sandman comic and show. take the 2013 tumblr sexyman and the 2022 pathetic little meow meow and mix them together in a blender and this is what you get. soggy bread with a bad haircut. he is pathetic. he gets bitches and loses them instantly. he has the aura and persona of wet soggy bread. his ego is bigger than his entire realm, and it gets crushed as easily as a chickpea. his pride caused him to imprison his girlfriend into the depths of hell for 10,000 years because he was angy that she didn't want to marry him. he should be to turned into butter and spread on a piece of toast. he is a piece of pathetic soggy bread.
omg it's morpheus from the sandman!
ikr he's such a pathetic soggy bread man
by potaytose November 18, 2022
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