a game console that under 7s can't play with the 3D effect because it'll give them a headache and hurt their eyes, and will damage the sales of the console, and the fact they're releasing it after christmas on February 2011 in Japan, and March 2011 everywhere else
child under 7: mummy, can you please buy me a nintendo 3ds

mother: no, because you i can't trust you to put the 3d feature off when playing it and you will get a headache
by scb 92 October 4, 2010
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A term used when you get spawn-killed by your own team.
Player 1#: What the hell man!
Player 2#: Sorry
Player 1#: This is some Crapenstein 3D
by PureNasher October 12, 2009
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3D hentai.i love it
Steve: I’m gonna watch some 3D hentai
The hentai : ahh ahh

Steve : bruh he’s not even going fast
by I_eat_wap_for_dinner June 22, 2021
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someone who is vividly and clearly rich;has alot of money and can spend and spend without complaining.They are extremely financially stable and are confidently aware of it.
laura: omg that guy asked to buy us drinks..!!
nia: pffts! how many drinks?
laura: As many as We both want all night!!
nia: shizznay! he is a 3D BALLER!! lets get our drinks.
by Brenda_Forbes October 14, 2014
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Whoever has a 3D printer is asked to 3D print them a 3D printer
Cheezar: I got a 3D printer!
Mozarlla: You know what you should make me?
Cheezar: What
Mozarlla: a 3D prInTEr lMAo
Cheezar: .
by BeanzMan January 19, 2020
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When you take a shit and it's all thick and coming off of the toilet paper like a 3D movie.
Jon: Dude I'll ate way too much Mexican food.
Mark: You're so gonna take a 3D shit later.
by dotdot.0 June 15, 2011
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The act of taking a shit, not wiping, then masturbating so it smells as though you're actually there in the pornographic movie.
Dude 1 : DUDE have you tried 3d Masturbation ?!
by Senor.Bivins December 13, 2010
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