Someone who is unreliable or never dependable.
Jona cancelled again on the gang, what a folder .
by Fxrxign October 29, 2020
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folder: someone who folds
fold: Switch up on friends, significant other, coworker, etc. making plans then not following throgh
“you fold on me so much yo you might as well be a five star folder 📁 “

homie #1: “yo Jessica folded on me, we were supposed to hang but she ditched me to hang with Alyssa”

homie #2: “ Dog i told you Jessica is prude asf, just hook up with Alyssa to piss her prude ass off
by Bard Harberer April 13, 2020
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When they fuck you so good you grab onto the mattress and bend a sense folding it
Bro my girl is so good in bed. Really mattress folder good?? Hell Ya she is a mattress folder.
by shyvanismommy March 30, 2016
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A folder, category, box, etc., that serves either no purpose or a purpose so small it's not worth keeping.
Person A: Why is there an empty box in the storage room?
Person B: In case we need to store any dirty diapers.
Person A: But we don't have any babies in the family.
Person B: That doesn't mean we'll never have any.
Person A: I'm not allowing a filler folder in this house!
by ChameleonDragon February 17, 2018
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beef folders (pl. noun) slang for unusually large or loose labia majora, especially those with abnormally dark coloration.
I was going to bang that cheerleader Jill but when I got down there her beef folders were so loose it made me wonder if the rest of the football team had already got in her panties tonight.
by Lawyer4theDefense August 30, 2011
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Similar to web surfing. What somebody does when they are looking for something on their computer, usually an old assignment or paper that could be reused. Also what people do with somebody elses computer in attempt to find their porn.
Jane did not feel like writing a 4 page essay, so she folder surf so she could turn in a paper she wrote 3 years ago.

Michael borrowed George computer, assuming george had porn on his computer Michael folder surf.
by CaptainGarbage January 4, 2014
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