dicktionary is another name for rude urban dictionary readers
this chaps are total dicktionary
by sanxity April 10, 2019
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A dick in a dictionary.................. in other words the dictionary in my brother's room
by UrBannMe November 26, 2021
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The book that contains every d#ck in the world all types all shapes.
If you purchase a dicktionary you will experience the most amazing things
Possible, girls will be impressed by your knowledge of p£nîs related objects.
by Megamer-+monster September 10, 2019
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An imaginary place that defines a word the way you wish (or imagine) they were. Commonly used by "Dicks" to support weak arguments and or support wrong information.
Curtis' Dicktionary defines Karmen as the force in nature that cause bad things to happen to you because you did stuff to me.
by IknowHuh? October 4, 2017
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A large book containing 99.999% cocks, and 0.001% word. Mainly just cocks.
Person 1: Where's my dicktionary?
Person 2: Okay, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
by WhyMath_BecauseSCH00L December 7, 2021
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Male nudes. Can be gay pictures. Or dick pics. It's a plural word. Can't be singular.
"Did you see that guys dicktionary? " said LeQueefa.

"Yeah! It was repulsive!" said Shaquille.
by Balls r life. April 7, 2016
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The place you look when you don't know what a sexual or sex related word means.

What is being Eiffel towered?
What is motor boated?
If you don't know use dicktionary.

Basically the same thing as the urban dictionary...
by thewhitestofallwhitegirls August 15, 2017
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