A hard workin' young woman who is all about the business. Gettin' hers all day errday. Independent and career minded.
by Meg$ March 25, 2011
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When something really gets on the risky side of life making you uncomfortable with the situation.
John: Dude last night i had sex with this total slutbag and she had herpes, AIDS, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Swine Flu.

Jim: Thats some risky biz right there bro.

Mother: Did you atleast where a condom?

John: Nope im a beast, what can I say?

Mother: That really is some super risky biz.
by Beasterface July 31, 2009
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Founded By: April Fiorentino, Shannon Burke, and Ellen Cody.

Definition: Substitute for using the word biAtch or bitch.
1. This Biz Notch is all up in my grill.
2. That Biz Notch is just so annoying.
3. Man I dont like that Biz Notch.
4. Am I being a Biz Notch?!
5. many meanings you figure it out you lazyass i am not going to give them to you!
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Not quite a bitch, but not quite a not-bitch. Mostly to be used by wiggers and the like.
"Yo, 'sup, biz-natches?!"
by DJ ZaSalaSala January 4, 2009
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regular business; what you do on a regular basis.

pronounced: reg-ie biz

- hey dude what are we doin tonight?
- you know, the regy biz.
Regy Biz
by theFluffysloth August 1, 2011
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A really hard boner that results from getting hugs from grandmas. Sometimes can be fatal.
This old lady came up to me in the mall and I totally got a Biz! It was so intense!
by Kelseyleeg February 25, 2009
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