A little kid, usually below the age of 11. They are spoiled due to having parents with moderate to severe symptoms of not giving a fuck about their children. They are always the first to check the fortnite daily item shop. Most start seizing when ping goes above 30. Due to all the energy drinks digested by these kids, they consume too much caffeine leading to them being sleep deprived. Most fortnite addicts sit on their chair all day thinking they are cool for knowing how to do the orange justice emote. They also get erections by any thicc female skin in the game.
Kid 1: "the new item shop comes out today, can't wait!"
Kid 2: "Ya me too"
Older brother of kid 1: "Y'all some fortnite addicts. Take a shower, you smell like my dogs piss."
by bddBrayden December 31, 2021
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1)some one addicted to cocain

2)some one addicted to coca-cola or other caffinated products
1) man that person even looks like a coke addict
2)Brooke is always falsely accused of being a coke addict
by cookie January 16, 2003
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associated with the need to download anything associated with torrents such as movies, music, pictures, or anything that you want or need to download.
Wow he feels the need to download anything and everything using torrents he has a severe torrent addiction
by BigZeb December 22, 2010
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Runescape addict is someone who is really really really really really really really really... really really really really really really really really really really addicted to Runescape. Beware of these people. They have alot of issues and need to go into rehab.
A life of a Runescape Addict
05:00am - 10:00am : Runescape
10:01am - 10:05am : Bathroom Break
10:06am - 03:00pm : Runescape/Breakfast+Snacks
03:01pm - 03:05pm : Bathroom Break
03:06pm - 07:00pm : Runescape
07:01pm - 07:05pm : Dinner/Due to parents threatening to take away computer
07:06pm - 04:59am : Runescape/Snacks

*Next day... * they repeat the same schedule over again. Their skin starts turning white due to not being out in the sun.. they begin to lose irl friends and girlfriends/boyfriends and replace those people for other runescape players.

- These people never go outside to see the sun. Its like they're vampires.

by Marko-94 January 25, 2008
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A MySpace addict is A person who is on MySpace 24/7 and is always finding new and cool MySpace layouts. Usually has a custom MySpace that looks more like a website. May have allot of friends and custom pictures of themselves.
Jennifer: (calling Josh)What are you doing?
Josh: I'm on MySpace
Jennifer: again!? Your always on!
Josh: Because I have nothing better to do.
Jennifer: Dude your A Myspace Addict
by DjJennyfe May 16, 2007
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A person whose sole purpose in life is to go on games and believe that they are in the games. Usually fat males in their teens-twenties who join games, abuse the casual players and think they're amazing even though they're pathetic because their thumbs are too fat to move fast enough, so they become hackers so that they appear amazing. Generally the lowest form of life on the planet, just below bacteria. Also can own a PS3 and become a PS3 nerd.
Casual Player: This game should be fun...


Casual Player 2: Fucking xbox addict...
by Verkaiser August 8, 2011
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