A band from Canada.

Things that should be noted if you don't particulary like the band...
1. No one makes you listen to it, so if you don't like stop b****ing about how much you hate it.
2. You dont know them and their families and their backgrounds so you have no right to say crap about them whining about their lives in song form. You dont know them you shouldn't judge them. You also obviously haven't looked into the lyrics because they are more honest than most bands I have heard.
3.As for the talent issue... I would like to see you get together with for other people and make decent music, better music than SP. I'd love to see that because all true musicians know how hard it is to make music and practice and shit. I'd like to see you try.. and I'd laugh... a lot.
4. Also for a band Sp, isnt into a lot of shit that some bands are in.... enough said.
5. The guys in Sp actually give a damn about their fans beyond the money factor...Simple plan foundation.
6.They understand that music is about more than just notes and rythyms, its about feelings things and ones charecter and conyeing your beliefs to anther person. Its about communication with something bigger than yourself. Its about giving a damn about something other than yourself.
7.They never said they were punk... so stop b****ing about that... jeez people can be so ridiculous over the dumbest things.
Simple plan is a down to earth band and if dont like them dont complain. "So shut up, shut up dont want to hear it" (from simple plan's song in the album still not getting any called Shut up)
by StickUpForWhatYouThinkIsRight September 25, 2007
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A band of 5 guys out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They are no specifc genre of music. Most people saw "pop, punk, rock" but they have never once lablled themselves to the world.They got this lable from playing on the Warped Tour (which does tend to be punk/emo music). They make it very obvious in interveiws and websites (chances are if you actually looked you would see that). They don't whine about thier lives, they simply write something thier fans can relate too, and in some cases, wrote it about thier fans experiences. Chuck Comeau (Drums/Writer) has explained in many interveiws that after reciving many letters and e-mails from fans talking about problems they have had, has actually inspired him to write specific things. Thier fans and thier own experiences is thier inpseration. Thier fan base is MORE then 12 year olds.If you've ever bothered to meet a simple plan fan, or talk to someone they would explain to you that they range from 12-25 (yes 25) the "Simple Plan Invasion Crew" is thier street team, which happends to be packed with kids between that age, more are above the age of 15. I'm personally above the typical age, and hate being called a teenie, because we like more bands then just Simple Plan adn GC, some of us might like Metallica or maybe The Clas? Maybe AFI? (personally my music range is huge.) They have realesed many hit singles such as "I'd Do Anything", "Addicted" "Perfect" and "I'm Just A Kid" from thier first album "No Pads No Helmets..Just Balls" and "Welcome to my life", "Shut Up", "Crazy" and "Untitled" from thier 2nd album "Still Not Getting Any". Not only do they take time out to help/meet and support thier fans, but they take thier time to do many benefits such as M.A.D.D (witch the untitled video is in support of), Live 8 and thier own Simple Plan Foundation, which helps kids with depression, homlessness ect. In general, they are guys who are trying to please only thier fans and no one else, seriously, those who sit on here and make fun of them are no better then anyone, its pathedic.

members are:
Pierre: Vocals/some guitar/writing
Chuck: Drums/Writing
Jeff: Lead guitar
Seb: Rhythm Guitar/Back up vocals
David: Bass/Back up vocals.

they really are a good band, maybe not the best in the world, but they have helped many kids, with more then just good music. "Perfect World" happends to be my favorite.
Hater: "Omgz,Perfect by simple plan is so fucking lame."
Fan: "They have better songs then perfect you know"
Hater: " i haven't bothered to listen to anything else, i judge a band on one song."
Fan:"your a fucking idiot." *bitch slap*

If you like a band, tell the world about them.
If you don't like a band, keep your damn mouth shut and do not critisize thier fans.

by TheBitch November 29, 2006
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one of the best bands of our time. dont agree? count the awards they have won.

some people say they are 'emo/whiney' but they aren't. anyone who actually listens to an album of theirs knows that a lot of their songs are fun, such as "Jump" "My Alien" "When I'm Gone" "Generation" "Running Out of Time" "Grow Up" and many many many others.

They are from Montreal Canada, they speak french, and have five/six members. They "vlog" or video blog to keep their fans updated. They have traveled around the world, selling out shows, and if you ever meet them,you will know that they are probably the kindest rock stars you can ever talk to.
Pierre Bouvier is the lead singer, formerly in the band Reset.

David Desrosiers is the bassist and was also formerly in the band Reset. He was described as 'Scrumdiddlyumptos' in CosmoGirl!

Sebastian Lefebvre is one of their guitarists, usually is the one vlogging, and used to be a janitor at his old high school. He is on Man of The Hour with Patrick.

Jeff Stinco is the their other guitarist, and is the other guy who 'vlogs' a lot alongside Sebastian.

Chuck Comeau is the drummer, formerly in Reset, also. He has grazed drumming magazine covers, and writes a lot of their songs. He vlogs regularly, too.

Last but not least, there is Patrick Langlois who is sort of like Simple Plan's right-hand man, appears in almost all of their videos and can sometime be seen running the merchandise booth at shows. He is on Man of The Hour with Sebastian.
I just baught the new Simple Plan album! It rocks!
imple Plan is coming to our town! yay!
by Kat (meow) July 11, 2008
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A Band that could care less about all you haters and send thier time writing music or doing what ever else musicains do.
Pierre Bouvier Quote: People that hate our band (Simple Plan), they will never hate enough to make me stop, they don't phase me. I love what I do so much and they will never stop me from doing it. No matter how loud they scream, I will scream louder and I will always be there for the people that love us.
by Emma Gamble January 24, 2008
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A French-Canadian band.

One of the best ever, despite what these middle-aged, upper-class, white men are saying. They do not understand or can not relate to Simple Plan's lyrics in any way, so they automatically hate them.
Middle Aged Man: Simple Plan is the worst band ever!
Most Teenagers: Shut the fuck up, old man
by greenlights December 24, 2009
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A Canadian Pop-Punk band consisting of 5 members.
-Pierre Bouvier
-David Desrosiers
-Chuck Comeau
-Jeff Stinco
-Sebastien Lefebrve

They have have 3 albums out.
-No pads, No helmets, just balls.
-Sill not getting any...
-Simple plan.
They also have a 'Live in japan' album out.

This band is often classified as Untalented or Whiney because of thier lyrics.
But, The people who often state this do not realize that the band wrote these so called 'immature' lyrics when they were in thier teens. They also dont realize that they write music that thier fans can connect to.
Simple plan has many other talented songs that are not thier hit singles.
Thier music deals with issues that happen in everyday life.
Thier songs are easy to relate to, and they dont have overly dramatic lyrics. They state what they need to say simply, yet thier words have a powerful affect on the people who listen to it.

Simple plan has hit songs such as, 'Im just a kid, 'shut up', and 'Welcome to my life.'
by xMadlikeahatter July 11, 2008
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A Canadian band consisting of five members.

It doesn't only appeal to 12 year olds.

They play songs that most people can relate to, and not some stupid (rap) song about flirting with a girl.

They also have talent and they don't care what other people say about them, they play the music for themselves not anyone else.

They play songs that actually has a value like,
Crazy and Untitled.

Pft, who said Canadian bands sucked, the reality is you suck shit.

Whiny person: Canadian bands SUCK!
Simple Plan Fan and a Canadian: How? Example?
Whiny person: Errrmmm Avril SuCkS!
Simple Plan Fan and a Canadian: She's not even a BAND you retard.
by Jennifer08 October 25, 2005
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