When you're fine for ten years, but then someone kills you randomly

The term was popularized by UFC fighter Dana White when he addressed the hacking of his website by hacker group Anonymous in a 2012 interview. The definition of the word was hazy but later clarified by news blogger Phillip DeFranco on his YouTube show titled the Phillip DeFranco Show.
Dana White: "If you're going to go out there and start acting like a terrorist, you're going to get Osama Bin Ladened."
by masterofoceans January 31, 2012
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Dude, Osama Bin Laden has been hiding for like 10 years now! He owns this game!
by andrayuhzebra July 26, 2010
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The mastermind behind 9/11, and a scapegoat used for fear-mongering by the Neo-cons to get people to vote for them. Has probably been dead since 2001, although the neo-cons won't tell you that.
Rudy Giuliani: blah blah blah 9/11 blah blah blah Osama bin Laden blah blah blah IT'S GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN!!11!!!!111!!!!!!!11

Me: My God, make it stop! You people are just as bad!
by joe617 July 13, 2009
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see bugbear
see pantomime
see scapegoat
see george bush senior to arrange an appointment
see horror and moral terror
see it all force fed to you on CNN
now that saddam is caught, he can tell us where osama is. HE'S BEHIND YOU! oh no he's not. OH YES HE IS etc.
by liam December 22, 2003
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osama bin laden sells me candy at his gas station. he is also a big stupid face.
by placebox December 4, 2007
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Owned by the Navy Seals and the faggot behind the 9/11 attacks.
Dude, Osama Bin Laden just got owned.
by osamaisgay6969 May 2, 2011
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When a man with a long beard sucks another mans dick and lets the jizz run down his beard and make a white stripe down the beard.
Dude yesterday I heard a kid got a Osama Bin Laden.
by Lil daddy baby! April 28, 2011
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