one of the best girls you’ll ever meet. she’ll light up your day in a matter of seconds just by her name popping up on your phone. she’s the prettiest girl you know and deep down u think she’s truly beautiful. whenever u feel lonely, you think of her and how u would feel with her. makes u happy in an instant. you’re lucky to have such a gorgeous girl in your life, dont let her go.
maja is just perfect
ikr bro she’s amazing cant lie
by urmumandhermum November 22, 2021
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The most fun girl you’ll ever meet. She’s never interested in boys, yet they’re always drooling over her! She’s usually stupid, but can be extremely smart if she wants to be. Never take a Maja for granted, once you lose her you’ll never get her again.
“Wow, why do all the boys like her?”
“She’s just a Maja.”
“That makes sense!”
by TheGoat853 October 14, 2020
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An AI form of techincal support on the internet worldwide. Programed in 2022 by anonimus programist. Helped the humanity by spreading algoritm of true knowladge. The program changed internet for everyone. It showed unexpected data viral.
Hey Maja how are U today? It's a pleasure to procall Connection whit You.
by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023
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Maja Strand is for the first a really really cool name. If your name is Maja Strand your most likely to become somthing big. Like the president of luxemburg. Maja strand means belive in somthing you never acomplished. xoxo
Girl "I want to become a duck:"
Boy " Oh your so Maja Strand."
by majastrand January 20, 2017
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joes maja: your momma, (your mother)Tell joe's maja to go get me a sadwitch... joe's maja & I decided to to conceive you 'cause she was hotter than a firecracker & i looked very handsome (from what i hear). Uoes maja is a beautiful woman to this day..
by TDHman530 January 19, 2022
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You have never seen a girl so beautiful like Maja H. But you have to take care of her future boyfriend Jan. He will beat you!
Look how beatiful Maja H. looks!
by Hrvtsk January 2, 2017
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