“YOURE a gay tard
A what

“ a lola
by GaytardXD October 27, 2018
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A large feline that can be found in closets or laying around on couches. They are large due to the amount of fat that they carry in the belly region. Lolas are menacing not because they are strong and majestic, but because they have an uncanny ability to wield their mass.

A Lola in the wild has the predatory advantage of being so slow that they are impervious to detection. A Lola will creep upon their prey before unleashing the infamous and inhumane act of suffocation by fat.

You cannot catch a Lola for it will rip your eyes out with it's claws, making it impossible to find your way to a telephone to seek medical attention. Caution in the form of small throw pillows (a Lola's greatest fear) should always be used.

Their small prey does not stand a chance.
"Watch as the blob-like Lola truffle shuffles through the high-pile rug toward the unmoving bowl of generic brand cat food. It's preparing for the attack..

There it is! The stomach region of the feline has successful covered the motionless object! There is no escape now."
by Madsworth Extraordinaire March 21, 2011
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Mean and annoying child that is a succubs
Look at the Lola is here
by Shut the feck January 24, 2019
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Lola is a common modern day term to describe someone who is transgendered or transvestite. It is also used to refer to Drag Queens.
The name Lola gained popular usage in the LGBT community via two separate channels:
1) The success of The Kinks song "Lola" (1970) about a young boy who meets a girl named Lola in a bar only to find out that Lola is in fact a man.
2) The popularity of the name Lola being chosen by members of the transgendered community.
Example 1
Guy 1: I'm gonna go buy that chick a drink.
Guy 2: Dude, that's not a chick, that's a Lola!

Example 2
Guy 1: You guys hear what happened to Josh in Thailand? Dude accidentally hooked up with a tranny!
Guy 2:No! F%^king. Way!!!!
Guy 1: He took a girl home only to find out she was a Lola!"

Example 3
Guy 1: Hi, what's your name sugar?
Guy 2: Lola
Guy 1: Gulp!
by GKJP June 21, 2012
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basically, a transvestite. From the song "Lola" by the Kinks. That song is now a favorite sing-a-long for blitzed college students in campus-area bars. Just like "Mommy Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys", "Anarchy in the U.K.", "Yellow Submarine", "Brown Sugar", and "American Pie" (tho God knows why).
Me: I was in San Francisco last weekend and on a corner I saw a white yup kissing on a black chick, only to discover that she was a black man with a beard, pantyhose and a purse!

Michael and Phil (singing): Du du-du du-du du-du-du du do-du-du du du du du-du... (chorus of "Take a Walk on the Wild Side").
L-O-L-A Lola....
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 23, 2006
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a word to describe a hooker or stripper
most common stripper name
blonde: have you seen Felicia?! She looks like she got a face lift on her legs! God she is such a lola

Brunette: I really hate all lolas!? They are such whores!

Random guy: hey, is your name lola?
by lolomouth May 29, 2009
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