Company suckass. One who does anything their boss or the company tells them to do. “Drinking the koolaid.” AKA piece of shit.
The boss ask Tom to work through lunch for free. Tom said “Yes, whatever it takes boss.” - Tom is a Koolaid head
by Iw1 March 28, 2018
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Political media of the Red or Blue type; Zombie brainwash. Any propaganda designed to herd human sheep into pigeonholes of stereotypical political beliefs.

Causes Americans to believe that their neighbors or fellow Americans are evil.

You can recognize the possessed through their use of words such as: Trump, Obama, Hillary, climate change, LGBTQ, Libtard, Trumptard, snowflake, etc.
That's not him talking. He's heavily under the spell of the koolaid. It's the zombie brainwash talking through him.
by Roy Biggins May 29, 2020
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Political media of the Red or Blue type; Zombie brainwash. Any propaganda designed to herd human sheep into pigeonholes of stereotypical political beliefs.

Causes Americans to believe that their neighbors or fellow Americans are evil.

You can recognize the possessed through their use of words such as: Trump, Obama, Hillary, climate change, LGBTQ, Libtard, Trumptard, snowflake, etc.
That's not him talking. He's heavily under the spell of the koolaid. It's the zombie brainwash talking through him.
by Roy Biggins May 29, 2020
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Koolaid is a very good drink that all the black people know how to make best
"Aye who gone make the koolaid "
by Imblackandimproud August 4, 2017
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I want koolaid
Ouuu she getting koolaid”
by Ogalcoholics March 14, 2019
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What everyone want a taste of. Koolaid has different flavors like personality’s Koolaid is a name for a person with mixed personalities 😈😁
Stranger- yo Koolaid why they call you that
Koolaid-everybody love Koolaid

Stranger-I heard u beat a nigga as$ in the locker room

Koolaid-U sho that was Koolaid or Austin
by shelove_koolaid November 23, 2019
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To face your thumb down and insert it straight into your girlfriend/boyfriends butthole, rotating in a circular motion- almost as if you were stirring a pitcher of koolaid- while simultaneously saying "OHHHHH YEAAAAAAHHH"
BF: hey babe I'm horny let's do something freaky

GF: wanna koolaid me?

BF: huh?
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