Kaylee is a fiesty lady. She is usually blonde and has lots of admirers! People usually want to be Kaylee, and will do anything to speak to her. She also has a sidekick that usually isn’t as popular and well liked as her, but is still there.
Damn bruh! You know Kaylee? That’z lit.
by Sarsanokarp February 21, 2019
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Kaylee is a werido
Kaylee is so werid
by Kat12121 November 10, 2017
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Tall to begin with, but when dressed in heels, she is said to resemble a skyscraper. Her hair burns like the lava found inside the largest volcano. She has swag beyond belief and can be seen hanging out with some of the most hood people around. It is believed that she grew up in the toughest ghetto, overcoming adversity while murdering a rumored 74 black people, although she is most definitely not racist, just a coincidence. She dances like the lesbian daughter of Jaylo and Beyonce. She's a cool cat, that's for sure, none can compete. Mess with her, and you're going to end up on the street. When it comes to baking, she is a professional as well. Making cookies so great, they have stories people continue to tell. If you are ever lucky enough to come across such a divine specimen, it will be a life changing experience that you won't soon forget.
"Damnnnnn sonn, I think I just saw me a Kaylee dawg."
"Nah dude, that's just the crack you smoked earlier."
"Ah shit, you probably right."
by yaboifromdahood February 12, 2013
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Kaylee is a nice girl she has some big tities she has a big juicy bouncy ass and gets all the men she is a great girl should never hurt you. Don’t loose a Kaylee she is a good girl and will give you the best sex she is good at sex and can get it in good Kaylee has the best lips they are soft and bouncy take care or your Kaylee and find you one Kaylee is the best at toung
Guy 1 hey did you see Kaylee

Guy. 2 yes look at that Ass
by Kajfyhkhs March 23, 2018
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Kaylee is a gross person. Don’t ever be friends with a person named Kaylee. She will always turn her back to you and throw you under the bus...LITERALLY. She uses people to try to be popular and to get clout. DON’T BE FRIENDS WITH KAYLEE!
Kaylee:I’m going to use people,HAHAH
by brook.is.queen January 18, 2020
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(Kaylee) is stubborn and she is a great friend but you do not want to get on her bad side Bc she will never forgive you. she can be a sporty in the outside and tomboyish in the in side . she’s one you will want to keep. she’s quiet and shy not social and likes to go by (kk) mostly. she is a great athlete and loves spending time with her friends and family usually has a pet to play with. Long hair and pretty and she FUN.
Kaylee is cool
by Ashley _yourmom😍 December 22, 2021
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Someone who hogs every guy even if their friend is interested in them she just flirts and flirts with him
That Girl is being such a kaylee, she keeps stealing my man!
by Cheez.it.eater.3000 June 26, 2020
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