A super cool dude who is super gay in your friend group and he has a fat juice bum
ayooo jad is looking thicc
by Datagback127 January 31, 2023
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To be drowning in those of the female gender or to be suffocated to a near death state in vagina or pussy
(Jadding- past tense / Jadded- pre tense
by GamerGirLUwU_Xd March 16, 2021
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Man that sexy, stoic guy is such a jad
by jadlicious November 28, 2021
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A man who is constantly running away from his fear of being Homo. He will always deny a Homosexual comment even though it is eating him on the inside. In other words he is in a war against his urges.
Jad- "I like men" ..... "Oh wait no homo its all good guys"

Everyone Else- "yep that guy is gay"
by Raoyn October 18, 2019
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You are diagnosed with Jad.
by HELLO IDIOTS November 20, 2019
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Jad is such a swag master, he swags on all of us.
by Swag Master 1 December 23, 2018
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where one is embarrassing and is someone you do not like. can be used for people who tag along, snakes you out or tries to steal your girl
that guy is such a jad, he was following us around the whole day
by rugrug December 29, 2018
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