When someone you (consistently) talk to suddenly stops responding without notice. Their goal is to end the relationship without hurting the other's feelings but it ends up creating more confusion and frustration. Often utilized by immature jerks.
Person 1: Are you & Nelly still talking?

Person 2: Nope, the bitch is ghosting me.

Person 1: What a c****
Person 2: Truth.
by geothrillho April 10, 2016
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Ghosting, or "to ghost" is The act of one or more dead players spectating an alive enemy player, with the intent of revealing his or her actions or location to their alive comrades, giving them an unfair situational advantage. This is achieved usually through a voice chat program, such as Ventrillo, or an IRC client.

Ghosting may also be referred to as as "Venting" in popular games like Counter-Strike. The term derives from the most popular method of ghosting in Counter-Strike, which is to use the program Ventrillo, "venting" is short for "ventrillo-ing" meaning Using Ventrillo to ghost
"WTF? that douche nozzle is totally ghosting with one of this friends. He was shooting at me, before he even saw me and he seems to know every location of our teammates!"

"Wow, this guy is predicting the future......I think he might be Venting with his guild"
by mr,x July 24, 2006
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Ted: You wanna get outta here?
Mike: Let's be ghosts, man.

Ted: You wanna get high?
Mike: Nah, I gotta be a ghost.
by Straight Edge XXX August 25, 2005
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as in ghost producer, ghost songwriter, ghost writer (books) etc.
that means when the person remains anonymous or doesn't take credit for his/her work.

1) Kanye "ghost-produced" for rapper D-Dot before.

2) Ne-Yo ghost-wrote for Beyonce on her song Irreplaceable and everybody thought Beyonce had written the song.

3) Much of the later part of the children’s horror series Goosebumps was ghostwritten.
by DCJohnson December 17, 2008
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Something that immature little boys do to girls when they're too cowardly to say they're no longer interested. This results in the boy feeling great he got away so easily without any "drama" but leaves the girl with an inordinate amount of pain, anxiety and over-thinking about what the hell she did/said/texted wrong.

A phenomena made popular in modern society with the more disposable forms of communication such as text messages thereby removing the ghosted from any culpability or having to deal with a real face to face response.
Hey did you hear from Rick since your last date??

Rick? Oh you mean Casper! He's been ghosting me since Saturday - disappeared without a trace!
by Ghosthunter10 December 29, 2016
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Inhaling a hit off of a marijuana cigarette and then swallowing it.
Bro did you hit that?

Ghosted it
Oh your fucked bro
by trycoke25 May 26, 2010
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v. The act of leaving a place rapidly trying not to leave a trace
Man the cops are here! We gotta ghost!
by Jklub! August 12, 2011
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