The voice in my head that talks about scars
Hay voice in my head you are a fuck Cunt for taking about scars
by Glover February 10, 2021
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Damnit Rob why don't u just fuck my cunt ?
by Sadistiklydopee October 21, 2023
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1. Extreme dissapointment, sadness, loss, rejection and slight fear of some sort.

2. Strange form of horniness.
1. "Aww fuck me cunt I dropped the weeed."

2. "Haarrrdeerr LARRY!"
by Lit_turtle2864 June 23, 2022
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Some generally named keirdyn that likes to suck big fat balls while being a bottom
That girl over there is such a fat fucking cunt, ong she’s absolute atrocious, That’s why we call her keirdyn
by Skeleron_milkies March 12, 2022
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some fucker who has a pickle sized dick that is a total asshole or cunt and is a hard bottom bitch
Guy 1: That guy looks like a Pickle Dick Fuck Cunt Girl 1: You are so right, what a waste
by big weewee haver August 22, 2019
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