Evie is a bitch
That’s Evie she’s a bitch
by andioopp October 17, 2019
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An Evie is someone who smells like they’ve cacked their pants.They think fake tan is a personality trait and LOVE being orange. Evie is not funny in the slightest and acts like she has problems.she never shuts her gob and it’s really annoying like just shut up hoe.Evie needs to stop leaving stinkers in form cause it makes me feel genuinely sick,you need to detox your fucking bowel hunny ya farts smell rotten<3
That smack head i seen in Blackpool stank!deffo an Evie that.
by Tildog October 20, 2020
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Wow, Evie What a great name for a twat. We all love Evie she’s so fake it’s unreal.

Commonly seen on a unicorn because for blood though, it’s stains!
Wow Evie why is there blood trails??
by Unknown dudes December 24, 2018
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Evie’s are very annoying. They brag a lot and they stink too. If you see an Evie feel free to punch them in the face because they suck. Evie’s will also cheat of your work.
by Hsiwndowjdjw May 24, 2021
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Evie is such a bitch. Yes, Eve's are nice but Evies are just big NO NOs.

Sure, Evie is popular ....but why? I don't even know. She is so self-centred and thinks she is the hottest person ever. When can I just add... she's not. Evie is also the fakest person you'll ever meet, one day she's your friend when she's not popular but when she becomes popular she totally dumps you. For some reason everyone thinks Evie is amazing and lovely but have these people ever met her?! Not to mention, she's a total snob who gets everything she wants. Just imagine an ugly Veruca Salt. Yep. That's her. She looks down with no respect to people who maybe don't get everything they want. Unlike her.
by princessunicornms April 19, 2018
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And ugly fat girl that no one likes and she has the worst personality ever
Exsample I hate that evie she is so ugly
by Coldididk October 22, 2017
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