a geek without the money, passion, intelgence, pride, and true knowledge yet still withdrawn, obessive and all the stuff geeks are tring to escape.
Jordan is a total dork, lack I not.
by andy November 19, 2003
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(n) is the politically correct term for a person(s) who revise up definitions for the word dork
I saw a dork's definition for dork on that website
by Bandit November 28, 2003
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One who is socially outcast either due to ineptness, idiosyncratic interests, or behavior. That's it. However, there are a few subcateogires.

1. One who does not realize they are doing anything wrong due to ignorance about social conventions. This person might want to be accepted but does not know how to become so. This variety is the most likely to suffer from bullying.

2. One who realizes they are not always accepted by peers because of varying reasons, such as an "unpopular' interest or a refusal to accept social norms. In other words, they forsake acceptance for individuality. These are most likely to be a part of one the various sub-cultures.

3. One who realizes they are not behaving in a socially acceptable manner but choose to go with it anyway because they think the "correct" manner is stupid. Most likely to be a jerk.
Example 1:
"I wish I had more friends. I just find social conventions to be difficult to understand. Woe is me."

Example 2:
"I could be with the cool kids, but at what cost? I'd rather be ostracized as a dork than have to give up my goth-y exterior. It's who I am."

Example 3:
...Nothing really is as good an example as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, is there? Just look him up.
by Mr. ZAP February 13, 2011
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Kevin Houle, I'm intelligent, silly, goofy yet women all want me! Don't try to fight it women...my powers are far to strong for you and can’t win! And if that doesn't work...Let me introduce you to my dog Scooter which I bought to get HOT chicks!
Kevin Houle is suck a DORK it's dam sexy!
by dorkkevin January 8, 2010
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Someone who is generally annoying and usually socially awkward,unlike nerds or geeks they are not usually very smart and tend to be lazy. they are the ones who talk loudly on strange and often uncomfortable subjects to anyone they believe to be friends with in public areas, subjects include sex,drugs,homosexuality,porn,beast-ism,and bodily fluids. this may lead anyone watching this person talk to you to automatically assume you are also a dork.They also tend to do strange things for public attention such as shave their eyebrows,die their hair a very vibrant shade of red or blue,and do other various odd things to bother people.they don't tend to have long term relationships and can tend to be on and of with skanky desperate women.they can be spotted wearing often cheap unwashed clothing and tend to lack personal hygiene,not wearing deodorant, greasy unwashed hair don't wash their hands etc.
bob:"dude what the hell is ed doing with that trash can?"

Steve:"um he said something to me about dropping his pickle jar in it and that he needed to get it out."

bob:"wtf does he need that for?"

Steve:"idk i didn't ask i just kinda wanted to get away from him, he sells like sh** and looks like he slabbed bacon grease in his hair."

bob:"yeah no sh**, why the hell is veronica dating him anyway?"

Steve:shes a skank...

bob:"man that kid is a dork."
by jar of nails and vinigar November 27, 2009
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A person with a very bad hair cut that likes to tell stories and plays Pokemon go.
An example of a Dork is, Blade with his hair that needs to be cut.
by UBDictionart.com April 25, 2019
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