A sandwich made with condensed milk which tastes better than a jam sandwich
jam butty
Tin lally buttie's will rot your teeth but taste so good
by Wawa Walton March 5, 2008
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when you have a strong period flow and it leaks in the middle of class and you can't change and the blood drips down to your butthole and it rubs all over your cheeks when you walk and then you have a bloody butty holio.
by dankkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy April 19, 2020
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1. Coitus; sexual intercourse; the act of copulating.
2. A code word used for “coitus or sexual intercourse” in e-mails, which is less likely to get flagged by the company-installed software that checks for profanity.

From the word "butt," denoting one's backside, but also in many cultures, a word denoting sex + the "y" diminutive suffix; the children's word "poo," while denoting on the one hand, excrement, also connotes familiarity or intimacy between two people.
It was obvious to even the most casual observer that Kate Middleton and Prince William had long before their church-sanctioned marriage exchanged methane and enjoyed not a few instances of butty poo.

(From an e-mail) "No, sis, we saw a play at 7 p.m., had tea at ten, and of course retired to Buffy’s boudoir for some butty poo to round out the evening."
by T.T.T.--Gankinhisshit December 31, 2013
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When a policeman (pigs) perform anal sex on a male or female.
I was on my way home last night and traded my speeding ticket in or a bacon buttie
by Lardarse May 14, 2012
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Summet u call someone when u can’t be arsed doing summet
Nan: ay Matt Clean ur room
Me: nay fuck of ye cheese butty

Nan: that’s not nice
Me: Yerman make us a chicken wrap ye sausage

Nan: okay

Me: uno da
by Chicken wrappp laaa April 17, 2019
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