an Italian sea monster boy who’s also gay but is crazy asf
L: Hi Alberto!!

by Alberto the Great June 20, 2021
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Alberto drives a really fucking fast truck
by Fstasfboi November 24, 2021
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Short kings with the biggest dick you’ll ever see
Oh your such an Alberto”
by Johnathan smiths February 23, 2023
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Alberto is a loyal person who always stays by your side and is always available. He is that rare person who is hard to find, but if you find him he will fill your life with joy, love and happiness. Alberto is the one who makes your days full, the one you can tell everything to, the one who listens to you and loves to give you advice. Alberto is a person who, even through mistakes, does his best for you and tries to make you feel better. Alberto is also the one who knows how to make you laugh, he is that person who can smile at you just by looking at him and the more you get to know him the more you will feel in tune with him. Alberto, you are the person that everyone should have.
Alberto can I talk to you please?

Alberto would you give me a hand?
Alberto, how about going out together?
by losaichisono November 22, 2021
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Alberto is a boy, a smart boy who loves karate, football, a b**ch named Mariana but she will leave and then and only then will he meet nut, and Pablo is his nickname btw, pablo really likes nut he puts it in his mouth and everywhere.
Alberto: i really like nut.
Nut: i like u too;)
by Iloveu jk December 13, 2021
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Likes to read books, and talk about them. Of course, he has read the bible.
by Realbot69 September 13, 2021
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