A program watched by people intoxicated by the lovely, Marijuana and find it funny!
"I watched Archer the other night, maaaaaaaate, it's such a stoner program!"
by Sefblau January 20, 2016
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Someone who decides whether or not weed is addictive based on whether or not they need it.
Kyle: "James, you smoke weed too much. You're probably addicted."
James: "Nah bro weed isn't addictive bro. I can stop at any time I want to."

*4 hours later*

James: "I am going through a mildly stressful event that will probably resolve itself in the near future. I really need to go smoke."
Kyle: "You're a Schrödinger's Stoner, James."
by urwifesboyfriend June 15, 2021
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some one who is high or drunk the acts like a chicken or an asshole
your such a cocker stoner you need to chill
by Mason76817 May 8, 2020
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A burn mark tattoo from a hot socket or somthing used to smoke weed out of.
Guy 1- Dude did that stoner tat hurt? Guy 2- nah bro i was to stoned when i got it to feel any pain.
by The sour D guy January 24, 2014
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A question pertaining to the status of a Stoner.

Status being what they are or are not smoking.

(Note to the editor: I realize that is terrible up there. But if you could please just clean it up a bit. I am sure you catch my drift. Thanks. EC )
Example 1:

Stoner 1: Hey man what's your Stoner Status?

Stoner 2: Aaaww man... I got caught with a dime. I am off for a bit.

Example 2:

Stoner 1: Dude I got some sweet bud! What's your stoner status?

Stoner 2: Oh a just bought an eighth man. Smoke out?
by Cookie Camper December 27, 2011
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when a pothead begins to have/maintain very poor memory
Friend 1: bro what happened yesterday?
friend 2: were u off the za?
friend 1: hell yeah

friend 2: yeah that’s that stoner memory
by fareedaaly May 11, 2022
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When you suck someone's dick to get more weed.
Bro, I ran out of weed last night, so I had to do a stoner lick for 2 grams.
by Chase Deopsomer February 16, 2019
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