an abnormally large hole in your heart where the person you loved most left a massive void that no-one can fill in because they hurt you so bad.

no-one really understands the meaning of pain until they feel it so if someone tells someone they're in pain, they'll just say "lol same 🤪' and just hurt the other person even more
girl #1 : they left me in so much pain
girl #2 : lol i'm in pain too

girl #1 : (quietly) forget i said anything
by slowlydyinglol December 21, 2021
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When someone leaves you on read and won’t ever text you back
Bob left joe on read the entire day pain hurts people
by Mikealskfekkckd May 4, 2020
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There are multiple types of pain, from physical to neurological, emotional to mental. Hell you can hurt in all fields in varying degrees.
The most painful is heart pain, the type the raises the bar beyond any reasoning.

The type that makes you want to die.
That is today's definition, pain.
Today is the first day in a while that I've felt a particular type of pain. Oh fucking well, another day in the life.
by Echo Nova October 14, 2023
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it doesn’t end.
when will the pain end?
it doesn’t.
by lamerse October 5, 2020
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leave me alone. i’m happy now. because i know there’s at least one guy... one guy who cares for me, and wants nothing in return. i can’t believe how lucky i am. it’s the happiest feeling in the world
by spainwithoutthes January 3, 2021
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When something is hurting you mentally or physically
She was in mental pain after her dad abandoned her
by @lifefacts January 29, 2018
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