"Club penguin" is a famous game for kids. The star of this game is le best fat cunt cowbelly! He is a fat cunt that will call you a fat cunt, ok ya fat cunt?
Hey ya fat cunt! Let's play on Club Penguin! If you don't want to play you're a pussy!
by OneHellOfAMeme April 18, 2017
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One who marches to the beat which Society has driven into their soul; one who has no backbone; a weak person, who lives up to unacceptable standards provided by society.
Was out last night and ran into a buncha societical penguins who tried to tell me I should pay my income tax!
by Redeyedrummer1977 June 3, 2019
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A euphimism for any horrible cancerous tumor.
Sorry about your uncle Bart. Heard the squishy penguin in his colon finally did him in.
by Someone5007008 August 30, 2010
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1. A euphimism for any horrible cancerous tumor.

2. The sexual position.

3. A dance move, consisting of pantomiming meeching and waddling while bobbing the head right and left and the posterior up and down.
1. Sorry about the squishy penguin in your brain.

2. I got to left field last night. that's right, the squishy penguin.

3. I won the national squishy penguin dance award.
by P. N. Guinn II August 30, 2010
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Step 1. Collect dog poop at your local dog park.

Step 2. Kidnap an albino.

Step 3. Paint their arms and sides with your collection of dog poop.
"I totally hot penguined that albino kid."
by Armchair General January 31, 2016
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Aunt Arctic Pizza is a secret society of penguins who dress in Pizzas, a pink beanie, and glasses. All of them are green and don't accept any other color penguin because they are racist little jerks. Aunt Arctic Pizza Penguins (Or AAPP) survive off of puffles and penguin souls. Their weaknesses include Orange puffles, a hungry mob, and a pizza chef with an appetite. If you are faced with one of these creatures, smile cause your probably on one of CherryCheese's videos.
"Aunt Arctic Pizza Penguins ate my puffle!"
by CherryCheese November 24, 2019
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A Club Penguin Community ran by a bunch of Pakistani Pedophiles. They log onto many Club Penguin Private Servers, being dickheads to the average players of these by spamming emoticons and their shitty "Family Forever" phrases.
Did you see the Doritos of Club Penguin online today? I heard one of their leaders like to groom children with Discord Nitro memberships.
by Seltzer_Sex December 21, 2020
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