a cute small gay guy, defiantly bottom.

Their name is probably Jon tbh
Aww that twink is so cute, I'd fuck him
by exampleusersuckit July 30, 2017
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A twink is simply a young (18-24)or so year old , smooth, thin or in shape male, and normally very attractive. Its the gay communities equivalent of babe or chick. Negative interpretations describing twinks are normal associated with the same type of males that are in the heterosexually community, that describe attractive young in shape women as stupid, sluts, bimbos, air heads, ECT. to help make up for there own insecurities.
There was a lot of hot twinks at the club last night.
by twinkguy September 20, 2005
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An extremely attractive young male with feminine qualities. Just very pretty. Breathtaking honestly. Usually with blonde hair and blue eyes. Has a huge, fuckable ass, thick thighs, and pretty waist. A perfect guy that could make anyone fall in love with him.
Niall Horan is such a twink. I would fuck him any day. No homo though.
by NJHZJM March 24, 2019
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A twink is a male, usually gay but not always, who is often very slender with little to no body hair and has a rather young appearance.
by Andromeda, Lustro August 23, 2017
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A young gay man with the inabilty to grow facial or body hair. Usually slender, 18-22 years of age.
by Death to Jonas May 2, 2009
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"ugh,Jaime is such a twink,little petite gay boy"
by THRUTHSPITTER February 18, 2023
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The male celebrity by the name of “Louis Tomlinson
“Look at that twink!”
“You mean Louis Tomlinson?”
Same thing!”
by ivy lopresti February 19, 2021
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