Possibly the lamest, most dumbed-down TV station ever to broadcast. Every week they show the same terrible movies (cut of course), the worst reality shows, the stupidest sitcoms and now they even show Sex and the City, cut of course. Might be a good station if they didn't censor everything, or if they showed some actual films other than the most brain-dead ones possible.
by matt December 7, 2004
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The Bitch.

A way of referring to a person you don't like without them knowing you're talking bad about them.
TB is such a dumb fuck, I cannot stand her at all!
by jgfrctfvygbuhn August 13, 2011
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"Thongs, Bongs, Foot-Long Shlongs"

This acronym identifies the main relaxation components that a group of highly stressed, college or post-college girls seek when going on a group vacation to a tropical area.
The girls are leaving for Spring break to Cancun. It will be TBS all week.
by wkerilla April 1, 2004
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Tiny Ball Syndrome. Wargaming term describing a debilitating dependence on broken models, units, tactics, or entire lists. Usually exclaimed by a talented and unbiased player when confronted with inferior cheesy tactics.
Player 1: Oh FFS, Chris is using the winterguard death star in this list?
Player 2: Yeah of course, it was in that list he copied.
Player 1: TBS.

Jordan died of TBS after Bane Spam overtook his healthy game-life.
by itscaturdaysomewhere July 12, 2012
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Tedious Bull Shit. Work needed to be done that is not 100% necessary and very time consuming,
Friend 1: Hey lets go to the bar and watch the game!
Friend 2: Can't, stuck with some TBS from wife.
Friend 1: Faggot
by French Toast Omlette July 23, 2009
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Short for Tiny Black Shorts. They are very tiny, silky shorts that are favored by Special Operations military guys.
Joe- Damn Willy has got his TBS's on again!
Mo- Yeah, I think I see his balls.
by Brawny7878 February 13, 2008
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Tiny Boner Syndrome

A condition when a person's penis is so shriveled that not even Viagra won't correct it. This is often caused by not getting any pussy for a very long time that the muscles in the penis atrophy.
Damn Mike has a case of the TBS.
by SexyMan007 March 21, 2007
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