So much swagg it's ignorant, or so much ignorance it's swagg.
Randy Moss payed a $10,000 ticket in straight cash homie. He's on his ignorant swagg.
by The Original Tony Williams February 15, 2012
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The art of walking while gigging.

Having swagg while walking.
Why are you walking like that? "I'm swagg moving, just know that!"
by SmileJets August 4, 2011
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(Adj.) The mentality and swagger of a large Ginger who is bad at sports.
(N.) A feeling of undeserved accomplishment as a result of poor athletic ability and leeching off of your talented teammates. Commonly found in Boston, Chicago, and New Jersey regions.
I knew that guy had Scal Swagg because he was sitting on the bench, pumping his fists when his teammates didn't have the ball, and was dressed in a Mens Warehouse Clearance suit.
by The real Red Rocket May 4, 2011
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verb; To be stuck behind someone who walks like a "balla". The person walking slow (swagg) tends to have a "dgaf" walk with swaying shoulders and their knees slightly bent when walking to add the their badass factor. The swagg tends to take their time and think they're the coolest shit around. Usually this person will be listening to their iPod/mp3 so saying "excuse me" has no effect. To be the lag in the situation, you will find yourself trying to get to a destination, but the swagg will be taking their time and there's no way to maneuver your way around them so the result is you're pissed off while walking slow right behind the swagg thinking. "hurry the fuck up, you're not cool"; hence, lag behind a swagg.
Friend 1: Hey, why did you take so long to get the milk?

Friend 2: I was lag behind a swagg, it was damn near impossible to get around him in the tiny aisle!

Friend 1: Wow, what a douche bag thing to do.
by Hello Pocket Asian February 20, 2009
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A man with so much swagg it is spelled with two G's and you have to add "Notorious" in front of it. Considered "Godlike". some say his ancestors gave shakespeare the definition of swag. also considered "Chuck Norris' equal". Every girl he sees will instantly fall in love to his awesomeness. Quite the jokester also. if you were to meet the modern day " Notorious Swagg", it will make you famous. The Women Love him, He is Very Attractive, and is very romantic. He is also very Smart
look over there, it is Notorious Swagg
by Notorious Swagg January 13, 2012
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do u swagger like a POON JAB?!?! if u doo then u know how we POOON's do ITT!!
sup larki..wanna let me POON SWAGG..all i need is some poon pie and we set :D
by desi4lyfe December 23, 2008
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swaggpop is when your feelin so fresh when people try to steal your swagg so you pop your collar
man this niggas tryning to act like hes swagg popin
by jai jai February 2, 2009
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