The shits you get the morning after the superbowl when you've eaten too many hotwings and drank way too much beer.
Matt-My asshole feels like its on fire
Brian-Thats the post superbowl shits.
by Brazz February 7, 2008
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A variation of the Monday Morning Quarterback, only its in the Superbowl.
Kurt Warner is a great example of a Superbowl Monday Quarterback. During Superbowl XLIII, He could of let Edgerrin James run the ball in to the end zone and if they failed, they could at least have a Field goal to to tie it up. Instead he throws an interception to James Harrison who returns it for a touchdown. That one play shaped the entire outcome of a Superbowl.

Instead of make history for the Cardinals, Warner made history for the Steelers.
by TimeWarner January 26, 2011
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To take a #2, Go Crap, Take a Shit, Make Space after just eating a huge meal.
"I gotta go.. .Taking the Browns to the SuperBowl, they haven't been there in days" or "Taking the Browns to the SuperBowl, no other coach seems to be able to do it lately!"
by tgif099 August 8, 2009
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Very simply taking a dump dropping the kids off at the pool, usually a massive bowl movement that creeps up on you.
Hey Charlie where are you going? I ate some Thai for lunch bro taking the browns to the superbowl.
by nativedetroit75 April 15, 2010
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Probably the most awesome refferance to the simple task of nature : Taking a shit.
Bro1: Are you coming soon ?
Bro2: Yeah, I just have to bring the browns to the superbowl..
Bro1: Ok, be quick!
by Leathel January 22, 2015
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