a person who likes to write dnd campaigns and eat lolipops
jeez that kid is such a ty pollock
by tkwas12 October 3, 2022
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A term used to describe an action, thought, or sentence that makes zero sense. It can also be used to call someone who is oblivious to the obvious or fail to understand simple meaning. This word is often used as a put down but real Pollock's take it as a compliment.
Zack calls his dad, "Hey dad i locked my keys in the car can you bring me a spare set?"
Dad :"Yeah son where you at?"
Zack: "I am at Kroger. Please hurry it is about to rain and the windows are down."
Dad: "Damn Pollock."
by The big Pollock January 29, 2016
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When he cums and it looks like drizzles of paint on his stomach.
Like Jackson, I just Pollock’ed.
by no original thoughts January 7, 2023
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Verb. To create an unruly masterpiece in ones pants (in reference to abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock known for his unique style of drip painting)
Dude! This chick was grinding me on the DF and I pollocked my pants.

The hormone monster visited me last night and I pollocked my pants. Jackson would be proud
by antonym82 October 17, 2017
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The neighborhood you’ll get fucked up in for talking shit on
Person 1: Yo do you rep pollock?
Person2: fuck those pussies
Person 1: *punch* you done now boy
by PLKIsMoney February 7, 2018
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When someone uses your toilet and craps so hard and so loose that it leaves brown splash stains around the rim and on the back of the toilet reminiscent of the famous 20th century abstract expressionist painter, Jackson Pollick.
My kids know I am an admirer of modern art and I believe they are the ones that create "Crapson Pollock" paintings in my favorite place in the house to clean.
by Mom humor July 5, 2020
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someone who is incredibly addicted to video games, especially War Thunder
he has withdrawal symptoms if he goes one day without playing it
"conrad pollock" you say? well, he probably is filipino, plays war thunder, gets no bitches and has little to none rights
by z1gmaster32 May 25, 2023
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