The propensity to forget about the end goal one wants to achieve, and to pursue instead the means or mediums to that end goal.

A medium—for example, points or money—is a token people receive as the immediate reward of their effort. It has no value in and of itself, but it can be traded for a desired outcome. Experiments demonstrate that, when people are faced with options entailing different outcomes, the presence of a medium can alter what option they choose. This effect occurs because the medium presents an illusion of advantage to an otherwise not so advantageous option, an illusion of certainty to an otherwise uncertain option, or an illusion of linearity to an otherwise concave
effort-outcome return relationship. This work has implications for how points influence consumer choice and how money influences human behavior.
Money by itself is worthless because it is just paper and metal - medium maximization is the reason you want it.
by bardolos December 3, 2017
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The most gorgeous boy you will ever meet, he is extremely loving and says the cutest things that makes everyone drop.
Did you see Maxime? Hes so cute..
by mafaking November 2, 2023
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He kijk daar heb je een Maxime
by Bobslee November 21, 2021
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Maxime is a beautiful girl who is eccentric and unapologetically herself. She can be quiet and distant at times and completely lose herself in her own little world. She has soft features, beautiful dark hair and eyes the colour of rich chocolate. She is a true friend and will drop anything the moment someone needs her. She can be melancholy at times but never at the cost of other people. A pure soul just trying to find her way in the universe
Have you met Maxime yet?
I haven’t but I heard she is a dream!
by SparkyUnicorn November 22, 2021
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Maxime is this really sweet and caring guy that can't stop being so damn cute. Like literally every time you take a slight look at his face you notice a cute thing. But Maxime also hurts you sometimes without realizing he does; in these times, you hate him. But when he's nice again, you understand that he cares about you a lot, and he never meant to hurt you. Never lose the trust he has for you, and know that you probably won't find a guy like him again.
I cried because of Maxime, but he doesn't even know it.
by jaidesv March 19, 2020
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The greatest guy you'll ever see in your life and that'S not because it's my name OK?
Random Girl 1: Omg Maxime is so cool!
Random Girl 2: I KNOW RIGHT AND HE'S SO HOOOOT!!!!!!
by bonnejournee October 30, 2019
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